POST 3788 HALL US A G E - effective 6/24/2024
The absolute priority of scheduling are the Post and Auxiliary meetings and events,
normally scheduled in advance and posted in our calendar. Others wanting the hall
on the date or time of these events are not normally approved but an exception may
be possible depending on cancellations (see hall rental manager).
Usage of the hall incurs a financial cost to the Post considering utilities, table and chair
wear, etc.. We are non-profit and we cannot afford to donate for your personal event
and at the same time maintain a facility for current and future veterans. Considering
this and your budget, we have established a reasonable suggested price schedule:
Post 3788 active members and Auxiliary for retirements, reenlistments,
memorials, and when the Club Canteen remains open to other members and
guests, the hall is no cost; however, a donation is strongly suggested to offset
our costs. Active members of any other veterans’ organization are $350.00.
Post 3788 active members and Auxiliary for weddings, anniversaries,
family gatherings, etc. is $250. Active members of any other veterans’
organization are $600.00.
Cancellation: Once scheduled, $125.00 forfeited unless you find a replacement.
Cleaning Deposit: $250.00 is collected in advance and applicable for each and
every scheduled event. This may be fully or partially refunded based on the
cleanliness of the facility at the close of the event. Hall must be left as originally
found. The bartender will be the inspecting official.
Kitchen Usage: $150 non-refundable when using stove and/or ovens and/or any of
our supplies. The kitchen must be left as found; otherwise, some of the cleaning
deposit will be forfeited. The bartender will be the inspecting official.
Security Fee: $75.00 for 50+ persons, not-negotiable.
Extra Bartender: One bartender is normally on duty. Should another be requested
in advance and/or added for a function of 50 or more, an additional charge of
$100.00 applies.
Closed Facility Event: $500 additional to previous arrangement. This will
preclude any others from accessing the Canteen during the hours of your event.